Monday, July 22, 2013

Angelina Jolie admits Brangelina may not have happened if she got her hands on Colin Farrell

New Year, new batch of silly celeb stories.  Let’s kick off 2013 with the latest Colin Farrell rumor, and it’s a biggie – Perez Hilton’s site breathlessly reported on Friday afternoon that the twin-headed beast known as Brangelina would never have happened if Angelina Jolie had her way.

For it’s Colin, and not Brad Pitt, who was Angie’s first choice for life partner and baby daddy Perez reported, citing “whispers around Tinsel Town” as his source.

Visit Colin Farrell's profile page here

The two first met on the set of the Oliver Stone turkey Alexander back in 2005, and Angie was “desperately infatuated” with her Irish leading man, Perez says.

“Every week they were sleeping together, with her feelings for him growing stronger and stronger. But, like the playboy he is, it's rumored that he was sexin' all the other ladies around too. And her emotions were NOT reciprocated!” the site reported.

Colin stuck to business on the promotion trail for Alexander and stayed away from Angie, who’s next film turned out to be Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where she got her hooks into the married Pitt. And we all know what happened next.

Read More: Colin Farrell "almost broke in half" when his son took his first steps

Perez opined, “Sometimes you gotta feel that crazy rush of firecrackin' chemistry and rejection before realizing what you really want as a mature adult. So maybe that's what happened when she got with Pitt. But either way, HOOOOOO-LY SHIZ!”

Indeed.  But we can’t see Angelina responding to the gossip one way or another, and Colin ain’t gonna own up to anything, either. He went on to have two sons of his own with two different girlfriends

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