Friday, August 2, 2013

Simon Cowell Swamped With Baby Questions At X-Factor Press Conference

Simon Cowell, rumoured to be having a baby with married New York socialite Lauren Silverman, has kept zipped over whether he is responsible for her 10 week pregnancy. The X Factor judge was present at a press conference ahead of the new US series of the talent contest, reports The Independent, but the question on everyone's minds was the 53 year-old's personal life.

Reports have recently circulated that Lauren Silverman, a socialite married to a property tycoon, is 10 weeks pregnant with Cowell's unborn child. The pair met through Andrew Silverman, a real estate businessman and Cowell's friend, on holiday in Barbados several years ago. A friendship was fostered between the couple and the infamously grouchy talent judge and they invited him to spend time on their yacht with Mrs. Silverman becoming recognised as his "closest confidante" in his large group of female friends.

Lauren and Andrew, who have a 7 year-old son together, divorced a fortnight ago, with Cowell's name cited as a co-respondent on the legal documents, meaning he'll probably be called to court as a witness in their divorce trial and may also mean he'll need to disclose the details of his fortune, rumoured to be in the area of $350 million (£230.3m).
Furthermore, Cowell himself is apparently preparing a strong legal defence to protect said fortune from being taken away for child maintenance. A now-single Lauren has apparently now told friends that she wants to marry the music industry heavyweight.

At the press conference ahead of the new X Factor USA in Los Angeles, a coy Cowell was asked if his schedule would be affected by being a father; to which he replied cryptically: "I really haven't read the newspapers. Did I miss anything?" adding, "Unfortunately, I have to keep this, for the moment, private. It's just one of those things. Thank you very much anyway."

The problem is, the music mogul has previously voiced his distaste for both babies and marriages, saying he'd go "Nuts" if he had kids running about the place in a 2009 interview, reported by The Daily Mail: "I couldn't have children. If I had them here drawing on the walls I'd go nuts. With kids, you've got a routine you can't escape from." He also told The Telegraph earlier this year that marriage isn't a high priority for him: "when no matter how big your house is, you are going to end up on the same sofa, in the same bed or in the same room as a person, you are going to get bored. It's a boring routine."
Cowell doesn't seem to have colluded with this mother Julie on the matter, with her hearing therumoured news from The Sun first: "I've not heard anything officially. But if it's true then I'm absolutely delighted. It's wonderful! He'll make a fantastic father. He'll be great."

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